本中心外籍英語老師Mr. G 初次教授三年級學生Keira時, 發現Keira 較為內向,但她會與其他同學溝通的。
教授Keira對Mr. G來說是一挑戰。首堂與她讀了一次由爸媽及中心為她準備了的英語面試技巧題目,老師發現她很靜很害羞。問她問題,很多時會目無表情沒有反應,老師惟有提議一些答案給她選擇,接著也教她如何由只答是或否,以至答一些較長的答案,重覆又重覆,由小聲說話至慢慢大聲一點,但最後又重回沉默,直至老師邀請中心校長彭姑娘入課室內,她大概因為抑壓了情緒,及遇到一位較為熟識的老師,她忍不住了,眼淚奪眶而出。彭姑娘問她是否返了整天學太累了所以哭,她說她不想講話,還補充一句,我一直都是這樣。
之後彭姑娘與Keira媽媽溝通,無微不至的她告訴了一些女兒特性給我們知, 著我們可以如何與她相處,媽媽叮囑不用擔心她,當她適應了,下次便不會再哭還會投入,給她時間就可以。 而Mr. G在了解了她性格後,於下一次的課堂改變了教學方法,他說其實Keria是一位聰明的孩子,只是有點內向,他決定要更有耐性地教導她。
Mr. G 參考一些資料後,用了以下方法協助她投入課堂: 1/ 溫柔地說話 2/ 避免讓她同一時間接觸太多事物 3/ 與學生平起平坐 4/ 設計多一點活動 5/ 調整對學生上課能完成所有指示的期望 6/ 當學生進入狀態,可在課堂要求更多 7/ 直至取得信任,才更進一步教授,否則學生只會充耳不聞 8/ 保持笑容及平靜,學生最終會投入
用了新方法後, 往後數堂Keira都會慢慢增加回應Mr. G的次數。她很聰明,但對於參加面試要面對陌生人,Mr. G著實有點為她擔心。幸而,後來收到母親傳來的佳音,知道國際學校給了Keira一學額,她成功獲取錄了!
這是我們智趣學習中心與Mr. G一個成功的例子!
原文由本中心英文老師Mr. G撰寫,並由智趣學習中心翻譯及補充資料 (不一樣的學習中心, 由社工主理, 從人出發, 聯絡我們 5409 4323)
Keira母親的回應: 我的女兒Keira從小到大都是個害羞的女孩,比較抗拒和陌生人說話,所以當我們得知她得到一家國際學校面試機會的時候,我們很快便由高興變為憂慮了 ─ 她能否應付呢?會否回答考官問題呢? 我很快便聯絡上彭姑娘,請她幫忙安排Mr. G的英文口語課。第一課不是太順利,但隨著Mr. G 改變了上課模式,例如利用遊戲、畫畫和說故事等互動模式引發學習興趣,到第二課後,女兒便告訴我她覺得這樣上課頗有趣。而後來,她也習慣了和Mr. G 上課和聊天。有幾次, 她還會回家分享Mr. G 告訴她的一些有趣事! 面試當日,女兒表現不錯,沒有緊張之餘還回答了考官的所有問題,我們還即時得到學校取錄呢!在此,我很感謝Mr. G和彭姑娘的耐性和用心,沒有他們的幫助,我想過程應該沒這般順利呢! **********************************************************************
Go with the pace! I first met Keira during a children’s outing to Tai Kwun. It was my first-time meeting the students as well, and she seemed quiet but interacted with the other kids.
Keira was assigned to me in order to get her prepared for an interview for admission to an international school. I found her to be very shy and quiet.
That first class was challenging because we were to review sample questions for the interview. I started to ask her questions from the sample list, and wrote them on the board. When it was time for her to answer them, she gave me a blank look. So, one by one, I helped her answer the questions by suggesting possible answers. Sample questions included the name of her school, her favorite subject, her favorite sports etc. When the question responses were on the board, I taught her how she should respond with more than just one-word answers, or yes/no answers. We rehearsed them, repeating them, from lower volume to higher volume, over and over. By the end of the class, she reverted to being quiet again and seemed to tear-up when the Principal came into the room.
I needed to change the approach for the next class. I did some research on internet and concluded that Keira was not shy but rather an introverted child. She is actually smart but I needed to be a little more patient with her.
Some very important points when dealing with an introverted child. 1/ Speak softly 2/ Avoid sensory overload 3/ Keep close to the student’s level 4/ Use actions along with class instructions 5/ Don’t expect an introverted child to do all the actions and exercises – try to tailor the lesson content to suit the child’s personality 6/Do push more toward the end of the class once you feel the child is on your side. 7/Do not push until you have that TRUST or the child will be switched off for the rest of the lesson. 8/ Keep smiling, keep calm, and take a genuine interest in the student and they will eventually come around.
Using these techniques with Keira started off slow but with each consequent class, she has opened up more. She is very bright student but I was worried that she might become quiet again during the interview, since she would be with people, she is not familiar with.
To my surprise, she did well enough in the interview to be invited to attend the school! Next time I saw her, she was more relaxed and was speaking more.
This is a success story for the Confident Joyful School to say the least!
By Mr. G, English Teacher of Joyful and Confident Learning Centre (Join us, please call 5409 4323. A learning centre run by Registered social worker and be client-centered.)